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I have been a fan of Ice Hockey since I was about 4 or 5. I was taken to my first match by my aunt and uncle which was the Basingstoke Beavers, however I cannot remember who they were playing. Ever since that first game I have been hooked! The skill, speed and intensity of the game is a big draw and is the reason I rate the sport above the likes of football and rugby. Don’t get me wrong I still enjoy watching football/rugby but I am not as passionate about them.

I enjoy watching the game and giving my thoughts and views on different elements of the game in Britian from an outside perspective, away from any affiliation with teams and the governing bodies. That way it is the fans view and fans voice which is being heard.

My main team is the Guildford Flames and I regularly watch the English Premier League (EPL). However I do still keep up-to-date with the Elite League (EIHL) and National Leagues (NIHL).

All views and comments made on this blog are that of myself a no other unless stated.

One thought on “About

  1. Fantastic work keep it up I have posted this page on my Facebook account after finding this linked on Backburner

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