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Cats take a Towe!

As taken from the official press release HERE!!

Swindon Wildcats head coach Ryan Aldridge has confirmed that Belfast Giants forward Matt Towe has joined the club from the Elite League side.

Speaking after making the announcement, Aldridge said: “Towy is a huge signing for Swindon and will add offence and leadership to our team.

“He is a great team guy who will be a big part of our locker room.

“He plays with a lot of energy and can always come up with a big goal and is a player I am excited to be able to work with as well as be able to watch in a wildcats uniform.”

The 25-year old has a wealth of Premier and Elite League experience having played at Telford, Peterborough, Sheffield, Cardiff and Guildford, before moving to Belfast last season.

“I was enjoying my time with Belfast, but through keeping in touch with Stevie [Lyle], he mentioned that he was signing for Swindon and that Ryan [Aldridge] had big plans to move the club forwards,” he said after joining the club.

“Stevie mentioned that the club had been looking for another experienced Brit who could put up numbers since the middle of last season but hadn’t been able to find anyone suitable so had brought in another import.

“I liked what I heard so mentioned I would be interested and it took off from there.

“Ryan got in contact and told me about his plans and the players he was looking at bringing in. I knew that Swindon would be challenging for silverware after what I was told and it made the decision a very easy one when Ryan eventually offered me a contract.”

Next season will be the first time Towe has worn a Wildcats jersey but he has played at the Link Centre previously and concluded by saying: “As an opposition player, it was never easy playing at the Link Centre.

“The Wildcats were always a team that played with high energy and an aggression so I’ll be looking to build on that next season.”

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